Foundation Support
We are very grateful to the foundations below and many others who have supported our programs:
- Bothin Foundation
- ERM Foundation
- Jiji Foundation
- Kimball Foundation
- The Seed Fund
- Strong Foundation
In Kind Contributions
- Vortex Optics,
- Fireside Camera,
- Andronicos
- Green Apple Books
We are very grateful to our volunteer naturalists for sharing their knowledge and passion:
- Alan Hopkins
- Anne Galjour
- Beth Brumell
- Bob Hirt
- Bonnie Hellevig
- Claire Hunter Chow
- Connor DiPietro
- Diane O'Donahue
- Elisabeth King
- Gillian Imazumi
- Greg Lyon
- Isabelle Chow
- Jackie Andrews
- Janel Schulenberg
- Jay Bain
- Jeanne Crawford
- Jeannette Pettibone
- Jennie Yoon
- Kate Patrick
- Kathy Duffy
- Kevin Biggerstaff
- Kiyoko Imazumi
- Marty Ernster
- Missi Hirt Gavic
- Natasha Arnold
- Noah Kaitz
- Omeed Tavasoli
- Parker Kaye
- Pat Koblentz
- Richard Adelstein
- Sarah Shafer
- Shawn Shafer
- Sophia Elia
- Steve Worsfold
- Suellen Sleamaker
- Win Mixter
Special thanks to our volunteers who donate their expertise:
- Andrew Fukutome, newsletter editor
- Peter Shen, webmaster
Non-profit Organization we collaborate with:
- Audubon Canyon Ranch
- San Francisco Bay Bird Observatory
- Golden Gate Audubon Society